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News from Malimba in 2022

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

A new Primary School for Malimba

The children of the Malimba school are squeezed in three small classrooms but thanks to a grant received from the City of Geneva, the communes of Bellevue , Carouge and the management company Capital Group , we will be able to expand the school by adding a new building consisting of five additional classrooms. The construction works have started mid- November 2022. The building is expected to be ready just before the end of the school year. The community is extremely happy and thankful for the construction of the new school building.

Activities for women

The activities (soap making and weaving workshops) and literacy classes as well as hygiene and family planning courses have started. The nurse is now also assisting the community with medical advice and is bringing medicine to the people of the Community as they do not have any access to medication or to a medical facility.

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